

How organic portals/NPCs work

Organic portals, AKA non-player characters (NPCs) are "people" who exist mostly as quantum waves of probability.

double slit experiment

They are more than in one place at once, unlike me and you (if you're legit).

Their actual, physical existence starts as soon as a real person observes them and ends when the real person stops looking.

Since they are not confined to being in just one place at a time, this allows them to be hyper-productive.

Let's take Elon Musk for example, who not only manages several world-class companies, but also plays videogames for many hours each day. He has more than 10 kids and makes hundreds of new Tweets per day.

If a real person tried copying Elon's daily routine, they would fail almost instantly. Since no real person has enough energy to achieve so much every day for years on end.

Another aspect of NPCs is that they either have no issues with money at all, or they're extremely poor/homeless.

The cost of living has risen substantially since 2020, but almost everyone seems to be living just fine in my local area, where they're constantly hanging out and going to bars/restaurants.

My family spends 4-5 times the minimum wage in my country each month just to survive. We don't go anywhere, we don't hang out, we don't buy anything except food and we can barely make it to the end of the month (thanks to alimony).

But the official data shows 1/3rd of workers earn just 1 minimum wage, and around 2/3rds earn up to 2 times the minimum wage. So they cannot possibly be real.

I believe NPCs do not actually spend any money at all, unless you are observing them.